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EducationInnovation & Technology

Applying the Cooperative Learning Approach in Teaching Philosophy in Secondary Education: the Jigsaw Strategy as a Model

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HistorySustainable Development

Role of Civil Society in Preserving World Heritage in Maghreb Countries: Tunisia and Morocco as Models

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LinguisticsSSJ univers

Challenges of Pharmaceutical Translation as an Essential Communication Tool in Times of Crisis: The Case of Pharmaceutical Leaflets During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Morocco

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Migration Paths: A Study of Migration Transformations in the Moroccan Rif Between Natural Challenges and the Impact of Colonial Policy (1852-1956).

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Law & EconomicsSustainable Development

Family and Values: Legal and Judicial Security As a Horizon for Reforming the Family Code

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SociologySustainable Development

Transnational Economic and Cultural Dynamism of Senegalese Migrants in Morocco

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Linguistic Economy and Inference of Riffian Idiomatic Expressions: A case Study of the Ait Ouriaghel Dialect

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LinguisticsArts & Cinema

Translator: Multiple Skills for Constructing Literary Meaning

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Arts & CinemaLinguistics

Space Semiotic in “Diary of a Blind” Novel by “Hamid Rakatta”

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GeographySustainable Development

Mechanisms for Managing Water Resources Scarcity in Oasis Systems: Asrir and Tigmart of Guelmim Province

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GeographySustainable Development

Agricultural Transformations and Their Repercussions on Semi-Arid Regions, the Guercif Region as A Model

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Law & EconomicsSSJ univers

Raising the Age in the Reform of Retirement Systems


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