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Morocco’s Autonomous State Services (S.E.G.M.A):Legal Frameworks and Financial Viability

Law & EconomicsSustainable Development

Morocco’s Autonomous State Services (S.E.G.M.A):Legal Frameworks and Financial Viability

Within the framework of the State Services managed autonomously in Morocco, as defined by the S.E.G.M.A., entities devoid of legal personality undertake to cover specific expenses not deducted from the appropriations allocated in the general budget, drawing upon their resources.
The core objective of these entities lies in the production of goods or the provision of services for financial remuneration. Established under finance law, their revenues are subject to estimation, and constraints are imposed on the maximum allowable expenses to be drawn from their budgets.
An essential prerequisite entails substantiating self-generated resources, typically derived from fees levied for the goods or services rendered.

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