Hydrometric Monitoring of the Aghebalou N’Kardous Spring:Addressing Water Scarcity Challenges in the Context of Climate Change (Rheris, Southeast Morocco)
16 March 2024 2024-05-16 16:55Hydrometric Monitoring of the Aghebalou N’Kardous Spring:Addressing Water Scarcity Challenges in the Context of Climate Change (Rheris, Southeast Morocco)

Hydrometric Monitoring of the Aghebalou N’Kardous Spring:Addressing Water Scarcity Challenges in the Context of Climate Change (Rheris, Southeast Morocco)
Water, an indispensable resource for sustaining life on Earth, holds profound environmental and socio-economic significance. However, its depletion has become increasingly evident in recent years, particularly within the context of climate change. Climate variability significantly impacts the water cycle, leading to notable shifts in water resource availability and distribution. This research focuses on the hydrometric flow monitoring of the Aghebalou N’Kardous water source, a critical asset in a semi-arid climate situated within the Oued Ferkela sub-basin.
This sub-basin represents a vital tributary of the Oued Rheris, located in the Tinghir province. Spanning an area of 1057 square kilometers, the watershed experiences spatiotemporal irregularities in rainfall, predominantly concentrated during the Autumn and Winter seasons. Due to the absence of hydrometric data, extensive monitoring campaigns were conducted between 2020 and 2021, involving daily water level assessments.
Through establishing a rating curve, instantaneous flows from the Aghebalou N’Kardous water source were derived, thereby contributing to the development of a comprehensive hydrometric database encompassing the study period.

Abdelmoumen BENCHATTOU, Dr. Mohamed EL GHACHI
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