Family and Values: Legal and Judicial Security As a Horizon for Reforming the Family Code
30 December 2023 2024-01-01 9:23Family and Values: Legal and Judicial Security As a Horizon for Reforming the Family Code

Family and Values: Legal and Judicial Security As a Horizon for Reforming the Family Code
The present study delves into the intricate issue of the prevailing values within society and how they play a significant role in enhancing the stability of the rules and provisions of the Family Code. The study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the various values and their impact on legal security, which is a primary determinant of judicial security.
The research will examine the various societal values, including cultural, ethical, and religious values and the extent to which they influence the Family Code’s rules and regulations. Through a critical analysis of the values, the study will evaluate their role in shaping the Family Code’s provisions, which are critical in maintaining family relationships and promoting social stability.
Furthermore, the study will explore the concept of legal security, which is a fundamental element of the judicial system. Legal security refers to the level of certainty and predictability in the law that ensures citizens’ rights and freedoms. The study will examine the impact of societal values on legal security and how they affect the judicial system’s efficiency and effectiveness.
In conclusion, this research project aims to provide valuable insights into the complex interplay between societal values, legal security, and judicial security. The study’s findings will be useful in shaping policy decisions and promoting social stability and justice.

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