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Exploring and Diagnosing Developmental Dyslexia: A Comparative Study Between Normal and Dyslexic Children


Exploring and Diagnosing Developmental Dyslexia: A Comparative Study Between Normal and Dyslexic Children

This study aims to explore and examine a category of dyslexic children or those with reading disorders in the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grades in Moroccan primary schools in the city of Fez.

The study was conducted with students aged between 8 and 14 years although the actual diagnosis of this disorder begins between 8 and 9 years after accurately confirming the absence of any neurological or psychological diseases.

The sample of the study consists of two independent samples; an experimental sample and a control sample through which we aim to make a comparison between the two samples at the level of their reading achievements.

The results of this study proved the existence of a group of children with severe and persistent difficulties in reading, and it was also procedurally confirmed that this group suffers from developmental dyslexia or reading disorders.

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