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GeographySustainable Development

Assessing Climatic Drought in the El Abid River Basin (Morocco), Through the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI)

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Innovation & TechnologyGeography

Cultural Interactions, Connected Society: Redefining Identity in the Era of New Technologies

irrigation-caroussel-wadi-rum-jordanie (1)
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GeographySustainable Development

Agricultural Transformations and Their Repercussions on Semi-Arid Regions, the Guercif Region as A Model

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GeographySustainable Development

Mechanisms for Managing Water Resources Scarcity in Oasis Systems: Asrir and Tigmart of Guelmim Province

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GeographySustainable Development

Hydrometric Monitoring of the Aghebalou N’Kardous Spring:Addressing Water Scarcity Challenges in the Context of Climate Change (Rheris, Southeast Morocco)

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GeographySustainable Development

Drought characteristics in the Oued Larbaâ watershed – High Inaouen, Taza, Morocco

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GeographySustainable Development

Spatial Analysis of the Distribution of Pharmacies in The Territorial Commune of Skhirat – A Study in Geography of Health Services Using Geographic Information Systems

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The Importance of Employing Modern Technologies in Improving the Didactic Practice of Geography: Geomatics Tools as A Model

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GeographySustainable Development

The Influence of River Flow on the Dynamics of Mobility Zones and The Creation of Bottom Morphologies of the Lakhdar Wadi Channel During 2019 – 2020 – Oum Errabia Watershed – Morocco –

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GeographySustainable Development

Hydromorphodynamic Sites in The Downstream Part of the Watershed of Assif Ghazzaf, Oum Er Rabia Basin in 2022: Natural Heritage Facing Conservation and Enhancement Constraints


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